Tuesday, 26 March 2013

I Heart Linhardt

After a 3 month sabbatical from the blogosphere, I am back!
Having gone through some personal struggles, I am ready to build myself back up, bringing into focus my true passions and dreams.

It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane - but luckily there are those  people/places/things that can spark excitement, and reignite that desire you forgot you once had.

And that's exactly how Lisa Linhardt's ring designs have helped me...

The simplicity and sculptural elegance of these designs make me want to start  creating again!

This design incorporates a technique called Mokume-Gane, which originated in Japan about 300 years ago. Beautiful.

At once I am transported back to a University tutorial with the brilliant silversmith Alistair McCallum, who is the leading practitioner in Mokume in the UK. He created this exquisite piece below...

Layer upon layer of different metals that have been soldered, sandwiched and milled together. Then drilled, filed and hammered to create this stunning pattern. It is truly a labour of love.

So if you would like a little piece of love to wear, you can browse Lisa Linhardt's creations at www.linhardtdesign.com